Thursday 3 January 2013

Out of the loop.

Over the past few weeks I have barely logged on. Why?

This guy.

James has been on holiday's for two and a half weeks now and we are packing our days full of Sydney sites and sounds. We leave Sydney in seven weeks, so we decided to pretend we are on a holiday here. It has been simply wonderful. We have really been tourists in our own town and I recommend it to everyone. The harsh reality is that I am now falling head over heals in love with this stinky city, which was not the plan but I really cannot complain.

Of course christmas came and went and it was simply magical. We spent it in our humble apartment, the four of us (don't forget the dog) and it was such a blast. Oliver was so overwhelmed by all the gifts he got to unwrap and all his new toys, sure he didn't understand that a fat man by the name of santa slipped down our non-existent chimney and brought them here but he did understand the love and joy of the day- and of course the joy of his new toys sigh. 

Making cookies for santa

Christmas morning.

Reaching for his toy, feat. his new slide.

Little drummer boy.

Sitting on his new bean bag, which his Mama made.

James told me to smile.

Mr Happy after a morning christmas nap.

The christmas table.

Family photo, feat. matching outfits,

Mr Handsome.

Oliver enjoying the turkey.

Ending the night with a book.

And that was our christmas in a nutshell; bliss.

Between then and new years we had my father up to visit, and James' mother. It was very busy but oh so wonderful. Oliver loves his Grandparent's and it meant another excuse for us to hit Taronga zoo, again.
Babcia, James and Oliver.

My Dad and I.

Playing at the zoo.

Oliver loved siting on his Grandpa's shoulders.

Wow, what a big post this has been. But wait, there's more. New years eve. We did it, we went to the harbour. We thought we were crazy as 2 MILLION people were expected. We would have been more crazy to leave Sydney without experiencing this event, it was spectacular (and we only stayed for the 9pm display). 
The whole city turns into a party, no cars just hoards of people all there to bring in the new year together. It really is a wonderful experience, although I wouldn't have been too keen on trying to escape after the midnight fireworks. 

Oliver spying across the harbour.

Happy Mummy and bubby.

Our location, so very close to the bridge.

Happy babes.

Oliver watching the plane, he couldn't look away.


Mummy and Ollie the next day after a big night of adventures.

 In other news, health wise I tried to let go a bit over Christmas and enjoy, I lived by the motto that I should be thankful I have the food to put on weight over Christmas, not dread doing so. And put on weight I did, but I've been working hard and I've lost it all again now so I'm back down at 73kg and hoping to lose more. We have three weddings in three weeks this month so we are busily preparing for that (mentally and financially), still preparing for the big move and finally got a bigger car which is nice; although learning to drive a manual has been interesting to say the least. 

It's really been a wonderful time of year and it makes me so excited for the year ahead in our new town, our new home, and with James' new work hours.

I hope everyone is having a very happy new year.

Much Love,
Mama J x

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