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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Mini Moments V.2

A project to capture five perfect moments, every week, from the perspective of my child.

I love water, but I hate it when they put my head under. Well, over the weekend we went to a really big pool and some lady was teaching Daddy how to swim, and she needed me to help. I just wanted to splash around and do my own thing, so I let them know it. But then she told me that I had to teach her Dolly how to swim so I took the doll and helped it the whole lesson. I even gave it cuddles and kisses.

I know how much Mummy loves sleeping in bed with me, so when I wake up in the middle of the night I tell her she can come in with me. In fact I demand it, because I know that Daddy likes her in his bed too but she prefers mine. Sometimes Daddy even hops into bed with me, boy must he HATE sleeping alone.

I spent the day at my new friends house. As soon as I got to his house I opened up the door and let the dogs out. His Mum helps to look after me and oversee us playing. We played outside and I didn't sleep all day, well except for a little bit in the car. Mum says I am going back next week, and will start going more and more when she has to wear a suit everyday. I have so much fun I even forgot to miss her until she came to pick me up.

We went and saw a science lab. We walked up a massive track and then we explored so many experiments. I played with fish under the sea, made music, took photos of my shadows, made a tsunami for a mini city and heaps more. My favourite was this game where I put a ball on tracks and it went all the way down to the bottom. I loved it so much that when we went into the next room I ran all the way back up to play with it again. Mum and Dad were not too happy about this, but neither was I because other kids had started playing with it and I couldn't any more! But then we went into another room and Dad lost to a robot playing ice hockey about a thousand times. It was really fun.

After the science lab we went out for lunch and I got some chicken nuggets, which is a really special treat. But then I noticed on Daddy's plate he had a HUGE piece of corn so I took it off his plate. It was really hard in the middle but the edges were so yummy. I ate it the entire time until me stomach was so full, and then I even took it home in the car with me so I could eat some on the way home. It was the best day.

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