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Sunday, 24 February 2013


A portrait of my child, once a week, every week in 2013.

You have your own backyard, you play in it like it's temporary. I can't wait for you to know that it will be here everyday. It's ours to keep, and yours to enjoy, create, and love.

  • You watched all our belongings be packed away.
  • You found a toy in everything you touched, from a colander, to a spoon, even soap. Your imagination has caught fire and grown out of control.
  • As we dropped Panda off at the kennels you patted her so gently on the head to say good bye and you held so tightly on to her lead on the way home.
  • You ran around your new house with complete joy, you love your bedroom, the lounge room and everything about it.

You have been through so much change this week and you have accepted it with joy and acceptance. Your sleep has been all over the place, but we have tried to enjoy your 3am cuddles and let you enjoy your 4 hour day naps. You have been sleeping in strange places, in strange rooms, and in a strange beds. But we are home now.

Love always
Mama J

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