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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

We're here!

Oh my god!
It's the only way I can really describe the past few weeks. It's been a whirlwind of  hotel rooms, car trips, box packing, box unpacking, hellos and goodbyes, and highs and lows.

When James, Oliver and Pandora left me behind in a half empty apartment with a vacuum in one hand and a scrubbing brush in the other it felt weird. That was it, it was no longer our home but an empty shell that I had to get in order for the next residents, the next people to call it home.

I had my last impromptu lunch with a girlfriend, said goodbye to my neighbours, I said goodbye out loud to our first home, and I left.

On to new things.

We've been in our new home for only three days now, but it feels like home. More than Sydney ever did. It's the little things here that make it home, Oliver spying James' car as he pulls into the drive way, the sound of rain on the roof, the smell of dinner lingering and not being over powered by the fish and chip shop downstairs.
Mainly, of course, it's us that makes this place home.

Oliver is back to his old self again. The confident little boy that left Sydney after christmas for all those darn weddings. He is finally back here, still as cuddly as before but not as clingy, or sad, or confused.

He's here, Panda's here, we're here and his stuff's here. Simple!

I had him enrolled in day care for one day a week but we decided he's not in the right place to start now. He has been through so much change, originally I thought it'd be best to get him settled all at once. In reality I fear it's too much for him. I don't want to confuse him again. He is doing so well. His language is forming beautifully. His so intrigued by how things work. He still shakes his little booty like no bodies business. He is flourishing.

The house is slowly coming together. Most of the boxes are unpacked, well the boxes are empty but I am yet to find a place for everything. Oliver's made himself very much at home and is loving his new bedroom, and his new play space. He also loves his new found access to the kitchen draws, sigh.

Of course it is A MESS. It's full of empty boxes and the carpet is covered in little cardboard pieces, you know the ones that fly off when you rip off the tape. The walls are still empty as my photo frames are all still packed away. But it's getting there.

How we fit all this crap into our two bedroom apartment I'll never know, but at least our new house does not look empty. Nope, not one bit!

We are happy, we are so happy. We have so much to look forward to, but we also have so much to enjoy. James is still settling in to his job, Oliver is still settling into his new routine, I am still settling into my new oven and the rest, and Panda, well you'd think she's been here for years.

I am so glad to be back here. I am so glad to give this all to Oliver. I am so glad to have James home every night. I am just glad, and happy, and content, and lucky!

Once we are more settled I will do a mini virtual tour of our house, but for now enjoy this picture of Oliver and James bird watching from our front yard, 'cause yeah we get cockatoos in our front yard here in Canberra.

-Mama J x

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