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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Happy Easter from little boy Oliver J

Our easter was so lovely. It was just the four of us within these four walls, and possibly one of the greatest days of my life.

We celebrated with home made hot cross buns. Half choc chip and half current. This is our good Friday baking tradition. Last year the baby bump and I baked, this year Oliver and I baked. James is the master taste tester.

Easter bunny left Oliver a gift basket. It came with a soft toy, a bouncing bunny, a Peter Rabbit bowl set, and easter eggs filled with berries and apple mush. 

He tried to eat the eggs whole (plastic and all), so we emptied the berry and apple mixture onto his table and let him go nuts.

He loved it.

Oliver decided to let us get a photograph of his tooth, finally. This is whilst we played outside, but he was very sleepy.

Thumbs up to Easter.

Being Easter we felt it fitting for him to try eggs for the first time, (yolk only). I hard boiled them and scooped out the yolk.

He seemed to enjoy them, and no allergic reaction. 

Pandora loved them, because she got the egg whites mixed with milk. Apparently its great for their coats, but gives them stinky gas. 

After a nap we played some more and he had a great mixed vegetable dinner.

We then found one of his Aunties old toys for him to play with. It sings and talks to him. He loved it.

After a long day with the family, it was time for a bath, bottle and then bed. He is now sleeping soundly.

What a fantastic day we had!

I hope everyones easter was as enjoyable as ours. 

Happy Easter everybody love from us. 

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